Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This class has come and gone so fast! I feel like I have learned so much in these past fews. In this course I learned a lot about education and how it is not only about the subject you will teach. That educators are not there just to instill the lesson but also to create character. Students learn about relationships, humanity and heartbreak in the classroom. Students come in contact with people who are wildly different from them in the classroom and it is because of this that teachers must be aware that they are not only teaching a lesson in arithmatic or history, they are teaching lessons in life. From reading my other classmates blogs, I have learned that people can read the same material as me yet see it in a completely different light. This was interesting because this course described how students will all learn differently, but when I was able to read my classmates work I saw that they really did see it differently from me, and that didn't mean that one was better than the other, it was just that they were different.
This course has inspired my career in education and I hope to continue to learn how to learn.