Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is Druge Abuse Resistance Education Effective?

"Our strongest numbers are the ones that don't show up"

There are several arguements against the affectiveness of Drug Abuse Resistance Education. There is little evidence to support that it actually works, with that being said there is little evidence to support that it does not work. The program is taught by certified police officers to students when they are in about the fourth grade; educating them on the dangers of substace abuse. Most parents appreciate this lesson and believe that is is a great tool for children of that age group and they believe that through education their child will be better equipt to handle peer pressure type situations.
On the complete other end of the spectrum there are parents who hate this program. These parents are often critizised for it would seem as though any parent opposing Drug Resistance education would be in support of drug abuse, but actually these parents believe that by having these students at such a young age endure tedious lessons about drugs, it is implanting a seed in their mind about drugs.
As a student of D.A.R.E I can say that I knew nothing about drugs before I went through that program. Honestly a that I didn't know what half the drugs I learned in that class even excisted and to this day, after that class I did not hear of several of those things I learned in the fourth grade ever again. Personally, I do not believe that this is an affective method of teaching students.

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